Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Confused Males of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, Voltaire’s Candide

The Confused Males of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, Voltaire’s Candide, Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, and Rousseau’s First and Second Discourses â€Å"Now my father was then holding one of his second beds of justice, and was musing within himself about the hardships of matrimony, as my mother broke silence.— —My brother Toby, quoth she, is going to be married to Mrs. Wadman.† —Then he will never, quoth my father, be able to lie diagonally in his bed again as long as he lives.† (Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy) The eighteenth century, what a magnificent time—a contemporary critic is likely to exclaim, and indeed it was. The century of Diderot, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Kant, Swift, Sterne, and others, whose names still make pound the sensitive hearts of many students of history, philosophy, and literature. The Age of Enlightenment, when every aspect of man’s life—morals and vices; natural and conventional laws; issues of government and religion, of marriage and child rearing, of politics and economy, of the sciences and the arts—was scrutinized under the critical eye of thinkers and often discarded without pity. A time of blossoming critical and literary thought, a time of great intellectual challenges, trials, and successes—in a word, a splendid, magnificent, glorious time. And what books were written, what literary marvels were produced! Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, Voltaire’s Candide, Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, Rousseau’s First and Second Discourses . . . Innovative and daring, they questioned a traditional, God-blessed and Church-sponsored view of man’s life, providing armies of scholars with an enormous literary and philosophical heri... pursuits with more earthly matters. To the modern reader, unfortunately, they may appear too â€Å"enlightened.† Notes 1If my reader wonders why I am taking so great an interest in this matter, I would like to point out that his or her (especially her) speculations are totally erroneous and irrelevant to the subject. 2Note that Uzbek is a Persian, and Candide is a German. Apparently when French writers create a hero with â€Å"limited† sexual prowess, they don’t assign him a French origin, probably preserving the myth of French sexual vigor. Works Cited Montesquieu, de [Baron de La Brà ©de, Charles de Secondat]. Persian Letters. New York: Penguin, 1973. Sterne, Laurence. Tristram Shandy. New York: Norton, 1980. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels. New York: Da Capo Press, 1988. Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet]. Candide. New York: Bantam, 1959.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Illegal Immigration, good or bad?

Illegal immigration has been going on for hundreds of years already. But, over the years it has been increasing dramatically. Illegal immigrants have been poured across the border to grab agricultural jobs during the worker shortages precipitated by World War II. The ranchers and farmers along the border prospered from the influx of cheap labor and they did everything in their power to keep illegal aliens from being deported Today, however, we find that immigration is not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered a problem today in America.Some may believe that the threat of illegal immigrants is based on unsound fears. But in my opinion most illegal immigrants come here to live a better life than they lived in the country they lived in before. Most suffer where they used to live, therefore, they decide to move somewhere where they think the economy is better and they will have a better opportunity to get a job, and live a better life.Many believe that its unfair that low-income immigrants receive public benefits such as Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) at lower rate than low-income born citizens. Many people say that immigrants use more public benefits than the native born. This has created a lot of serious and unfair burden for citizens. All illegal immigrants enter a country they’re not from thinking that if they don’t they won’t be able to give their kids a better life and better education opportunities. There are currently almost 12 million illegal immigrants in America.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Adult Decision Making Process Essay - 1153 Words

Adult Consumer Decision Making Process Adults have to make many decisions each day, decisions selecting one option over another. How adult consumers make decisions to buy have been studied by marketers to sell their products and services. Marketers have several views of consumers with different perspectives of how individuals make decisions: economic, passive, cognitive, and economic views. However, there is a decision making model that reflects all of the views. First, we will discuss the process component of the decision making model and, secondly, we will discuss the how consumers that make these decisions. The adult consumer decision making model consist of three components: input, process, and output. The input and output†¦show more content†¦Otherwise, the only alternative to buying is not to buy. Making a selection from all possibilities is a human characteristic that helps to simplify the decision making process. There are different schools of thought that depicts consumer decision making in distinctly different ways. The decision making model depicts the views of the emotional, cognitive, passive, and economic consumer views. The emotional view is that the consumer makes a purchase decision based on emotion. There is hardly any emphasis on the search for prepurchase information. The decision is based on current mood and feelings. Lerner and Keltner (2000) proposed the Appraisal Tendency Framework (ATF) as a basis for distinguishing the effects emotions on judgment and decision making. The ATF assumes that emotion will give rise to motivational and cognitive processes. An emotion encompasses influences of subjective experiences that are normally relevant or irrelevant to choices. If a person is sad they will make a purchase to change the circumstances. In studies researcher found that consumers in a sad state will buy with no regard to price (Cryder, Lerner, Gross, and Dahl, 2006). Emotional decisions pose as impulsive, but, there are emotional decisions made through rational, such as buying because a consumer feels that they deserve to treat themselves. The cognitive view portrays the consumer as a think problem solver. The decision is based on researched information .CognitiveShow MoreRelatedEvidence-Based Decision Making800 Words   |  4 PagesEvaluate evidence-based decision making to create new practices, 6, the description of evaluated evidence-based decision making to create new practices suggest that information can be gathered from other sources, such as questionnaires, can be utilized to create new practices. Qualitative Data Collection – This assignment discussed how adult learners need to make a correlation between previous learning experiences with new learning experiences to be confident in their learning. This can be accomplishedRead MoreShould Teenagers Be Tried As AdultJuveniles860 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Should teenagers be tried as adult? 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